9-11 Reflection

9-11 was a hard time for the people in New York because two plane hit the Twin Towers . Lots of people died from that attack. Also a third one hit the Pentagon what killed a lot of people as well. Then the fourth hit some open fields in Pennsylvania and a lot of people died as well. That meant almost  3,000 people died. That was sad for the family and friend of the people that died.We well never forget that day. Even through I wasn’t born yet I felt  so sad for the people. Best of all firefighters died doing the right thing.

Indian Blanket /Firewheel

The Indian Blanket /Firewheel scientifie classification is Asteraceae. Its scientifie name is Gaillardia Pulchella. It is red all over and the rim is  yellow.It blooms in May-September.It gets to 1 and a half -2 feet. Its suggested uses,roadsides drainage ditch slopes, and open fields. Average planting success with the species is 80%. the germination is 15-45 days.

Personal Narrative

Boom! Pow! Crackle! The fourth of July celebation had begun.

My family and I did  beautiful fireworks. My favorite one was the party hat. It gos 5 feet in the air . Then colors go every where. Then we when to McDonalds and I had a kids meal.

Then we went home and did more fireworks . Then it was time for bed because it was 12:00 or 1:00 in the morning but I didn’t want it to end. I love the time I spent with my family